Feb 092013

  4 Responses to “General Comments”

  1. Congratulations and a big “thank you” to you, Mike G for setting up such a wonderful weather facility. Love the weather gauges especially.

    • Thanks Ken,
      I am still ironing out a few bugs to do with reliability but hope to resolve this issue soon.

  2. Congratulations and a huge “Thank You” to Mike and any others who created this wonderful website for the club.

    The on-site weather reports and updates are brilliant, especially for people who have to travel a long distance and prepare early.

    Janette Davies

  3. Hi guys at Panshanger,
    Its some time now since I logged on to your website to see what was happening in your part of the world, and I was enormously impressed by your new website. Great to use, and all of the information necessary, very easily accessed at the click of a button! Congatulations to whoever set it up.

    I have noted that you are having your next Scale Fly in in a weeks time, and would love to have once again brought up my little Turbulent in the vain hope that this time,I would actually be able to fly it. However, having only been released from a spell in hospital a couple of days ago, unfortunately I won’t be able to join you. Hopefully things, may pan out better in November!
    Have a great day on the 14th.

    Chris Rowe – (HMAC)

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